1. Cavernous sinus ambient and quadrigeminal cisterns
Annotations Inferior sagittal sinus, Internal cerebral v., Basal vein of Rosenthal, Vein of Galen, Sinus rectus, Falx cerebri, Superior sagittal sinus, Sigmoid sinus, Petrosal v., Trigeminal n., Porus trigeminus, Gasserian ganglion, V1, V2, V3, Trochlear n., III nerve, VI nerve entering the tentorium, Fourth nerve, VII/VIII Nerve complex, Lamina quadrigemina, Medial posterior choroidal artery, SCA, PCA, Anterior choroidal a., Pcom, Optic tract, ICA, MCA, Anterior clinoid process, Right optic n., Recurrent a. of Heubner, M1 perforating artery, ACA A1 segment, Acom, ACA A2 segment, Genu of the corpus callosum, ACA A3 segment, ACA A4 segment, ACA A5 segment, Area subcallosa, Gyrus paraterminalis, Body of the fornix, Body of the corpus callosum, Splenium of the corpus callosum, Foramen of Monroe, Head of the nucleus caudatus, Thalamus, Adhesio interthalamica
Annotations Inferior sagittal sinus, Internal cerebral v., Basal vein of Rosenthal, Vein of Galen, Sinus rectus, Falx cerebri, Superior sagittal sinus, Sigmoid sinus, Petrosal v., Trigeminal n., Porus trigeminus, Gasserian ganglion, V1, V2, V3, Trochlear n., III nerve, VI nerve entering the tentorium, Fourth nerve, VII/VIII Nerve complex, Lamina quadrigemina, Medial posterior choroidal artery, SCA, PCA, Anterior choroidal a., Pcom, Optic tract, ICA, MCA, Anterior clinoid process, Right optic n., Recurrent a. of Heubner, M1 perforating artery, ACA A1 segment, Acom, ACA A2 segment, Genu of the corpus callosum, ACA A3 segment, ACA A4 segment, ACA A5 segment, Area subcallosa, Gyrus paraterminalis, Body of the fornix, Body of the corpus callosum, Splenium of the corpus callosum, Foramen of Monroe, Head of the nucleus caudatus, Thalamus, Adhesio interthalamica
2. Orbit and cavernous sinus
Annotations Medial rectus, Trochlear n., Levator palpebrae, Superior rectus, Supratrochlear n., Supraorbital n., Lacrimal gland, Nasociliar n., Lateral rectus, Ophthalmic n., Trochlear n., V2, V3, GSPN, Middle meningeal a., Trigeminal n., Gasserian ganglion, Trochlear n., Oculomotor n, Internal carotid a., Optic n., Anterior cerebral a., Middle cerebral a., Pituitary stalk, Pituitary gland, Tuberculum sellae, Planum sphenoidale, Cribriform plate, Crista galli, Frontal sinus, Tegmen tympani, Arcuate eminence, Superior petrosal sinus, Transverse sinus, Straight sinus, Free edge of the tentorium, Middle cerebral peduncle, VII/VIII cranial nerve
Annotations Medial rectus, Trochlear n., Levator palpebrae, Superior rectus, Supratrochlear n., Supraorbital n., Lacrimal gland, Nasociliar n., Lateral rectus, Ophthalmic n., Trochlear n., V2, V3, GSPN, Middle meningeal a., Trigeminal n., Gasserian ganglion, Trochlear n., Oculomotor n, Internal carotid a., Optic n., Anterior cerebral a., Middle cerebral a., Pituitary stalk, Pituitary gland, Tuberculum sellae, Planum sphenoidale, Cribriform plate, Crista galli, Frontal sinus, Tegmen tympani, Arcuate eminence, Superior petrosal sinus, Transverse sinus, Straight sinus, Free edge of the tentorium, Middle cerebral peduncle, VII/VIII cranial nerve
3. Cavernous sinus medial and lateral side
Annotations Lateral rectus m., Levator palpebrae m., Superior rectus m., Trochlear n., Ophthalmic n., Supratrochlear n., Supraorbital n., Lacrimal gland, Bulb, Ophthalmic a. and v., Optic n., III n., Lateral rectus m., SUperior orbital fissure, V1 ophthalmic division of V, V2 maxillary division of V, V3 mandibular division of V, Middle meningeal a., Gasserian ganglion, VI n, ICA, III n. cisternal segment, Clinoidal space, C6 segment of the ICA, Optic n., C7 segment of the ICA, Middle cerebral a., Lateral rectus m., Inferior rectus m., C3 segment of ICA, C4 segment of the ICA, Abducens n., Sphenopalatine a., Pterygopalatine a. and n., External opening of the eustachian tube, Clivus, Sphenoid sinus, VI n., Trigeminal n., Middle turbinate, Maxilla - hard plate, Internal maxillary a., Sphenopalatine foramen, Superficial temporal a., Masseteric n., External carotid a.
Annotations Lateral rectus m., Levator palpebrae m., Superior rectus m., Trochlear n., Ophthalmic n., Supratrochlear n., Supraorbital n., Lacrimal gland, Bulb, Ophthalmic a. and v., Optic n., III n., Lateral rectus m., SUperior orbital fissure, V1 ophthalmic division of V, V2 maxillary division of V, V3 mandibular division of V, Middle meningeal a., Gasserian ganglion, VI n, ICA, III n. cisternal segment, Clinoidal space, C6 segment of the ICA, Optic n., C7 segment of the ICA, Middle cerebral a., Lateral rectus m., Inferior rectus m., C3 segment of ICA, C4 segment of the ICA, Abducens n., Sphenopalatine a., Pterygopalatine a. and n., External opening of the eustachian tube, Clivus, Sphenoid sinus, VI n., Trigeminal n., Middle turbinate, Maxilla - hard plate, Internal maxillary a., Sphenopalatine foramen, Superficial temporal a., Masseteric n., External carotid a.
4. Cavernous sinus
The anatomy of the cavernous sinus is presented
Annotations Foramen spinosum, Gasserian ganglion, V1, V2, V3, Trochlear n., III nerve, Carotid a., VI nerve, Abducens n., Optic nerve, ICA, Oculomotor n., Trigeminal n., VII/VIII nerve complex, IX/X/XI nerve group, Sigmoid sinus, Jugular tubercle, Arcuate eminence, Tegmen tympani
The anatomy of the cavernous sinus is presented
Annotations Foramen spinosum, Gasserian ganglion, V1, V2, V3, Trochlear n., III nerve, Carotid a., VI nerve, Abducens n., Optic nerve, ICA, Oculomotor n., Trigeminal n., VII/VIII nerve complex, IX/X/XI nerve group, Sigmoid sinus, Jugular tubercle, Arcuate eminence, Tegmen tympani
5. The orbit
Orbital roof is opened, exposing the orbit. The orbital fat and initial anatomy is presented. Ophthalmic nerve as well as supraorbital nerve and artery are presented. The attachment of intraorbital muscles is seen (annulus of Zinn). In this specimen the ethmoid cells are extending over the optic canal to anterior clinoid process.
Annotations Foramen spinosum, Gasserian ganglion, V1, V2, V3, Trochlear n., III nerve, Carotid a., VI nerve, Abducens n., Optic nerve, ICA, Falciform ligament, Optic nerve in the optic canal, Annulus of Zinn, Levator palpebrae superioris m., Lateral rectus m., Superior oblique m., Supraorbital a., Supraorbital n.
Orbital roof is opened, exposing the orbit. The orbital fat and initial anatomy is presented. Ophthalmic nerve as well as supraorbital nerve and artery are presented. The attachment of intraorbital muscles is seen (annulus of Zinn). In this specimen the ethmoid cells are extending over the optic canal to anterior clinoid process.
Annotations Foramen spinosum, Gasserian ganglion, V1, V2, V3, Trochlear n., III nerve, Carotid a., VI nerve, Abducens n., Optic nerve, ICA, Falciform ligament, Optic nerve in the optic canal, Annulus of Zinn, Levator palpebrae superioris m., Lateral rectus m., Superior oblique m., Supraorbital a., Supraorbital n.
6. Superior orbital fissure
Additional orbital fat is removed exposing the muscles and nerves anatomy within the orbit. The nerves passing from the cavernous sinus trough the superior orbital fissure can be followed to the orbit. The left cavernous sinus is additionally exposed.
Annotations Internal carotid artery, Ophthalmic artery, Optic nerve, Optic canal, Clinoidal space, III nerve, V1, V2, V3, Gasserian ganglion, Lateral rectus muscle, Levator palpebrae superioris m., Ophthalmic vein, Medial rectus m., Superior rectus m., Ethmoid cells opened, Frontal sinus opened, GSPN
Additional orbital fat is removed exposing the muscles and nerves anatomy within the orbit. The nerves passing from the cavernous sinus trough the superior orbital fissure can be followed to the orbit. The left cavernous sinus is additionally exposed.
Annotations Internal carotid artery, Ophthalmic artery, Optic nerve, Optic canal, Clinoidal space, III nerve, V1, V2, V3, Gasserian ganglion, Lateral rectus muscle, Levator palpebrae superioris m., Ophthalmic vein, Medial rectus m., Superior rectus m., Ethmoid cells opened, Frontal sinus opened, GSPN
7. Optic nerve
The levator palpabrae sup. and superior rectus mm. are retracted and the optic nerve can be followed from intracranial to intraorbital segments The cavernous sinus is presented bilaterally.
Annotations Optic nerve, Ophthalmic artery, Ophthalmic vein, Levator palpebrae superioris m., Superior rectus m., III nerve, Medial rectus m., Lateral rectus m., Clinoidal space, Ethmoidal air cells opened, Internal carotid artery, Abducens nerve, IV, Internal carotid a., Trigeminal ganglion
The levator palpabrae sup. and superior rectus mm. are retracted and the optic nerve can be followed from intracranial to intraorbital segments The cavernous sinus is presented bilaterally.
Annotations Optic nerve, Ophthalmic artery, Ophthalmic vein, Levator palpebrae superioris m., Superior rectus m., III nerve, Medial rectus m., Lateral rectus m., Clinoidal space, Ethmoidal air cells opened, Internal carotid artery, Abducens nerve, IV, Internal carotid a., Trigeminal ganglion