Neck Region

Anterior neck region dissection

1. Platisma m. 
Right neck region dissection. The skin has been removed. The platisma muscle as well as external jugular vein and supraclavicular nn. are presented.
Annotations Platysma m., External jugular vein, Sternocleidomastoid m., Thyroid cartilage, Pectoralis m., Supraclavicular n.
2. Supraclavicular and cutaneous innervation
The platisma muscle has been removed. The supraclavicular nn, auricularis magnus n. and transverse cervical nn are visible. The accessory (XI cranial) nerve is exposed.
Annotations Medial supraclavicular n., Intermedial supraclavicular n., Lateral supraclavicular n., Accessory (XI) nerve, External jugular v., Auricularis magnus n., Transverse cervical n., Sternocleidomastoid m., Sternocleidomastoid m., Thyroid cartilage, Submandibular gland fascia
3. Superficial Muscle Anatomy
The superficial neck fascia is removed. The neck musles are revealed.
Annotations Sternocleidomastoid m., Supraclavicular nn., Omohyoid m., Sternohyoid m., Anterior jugular v., Hyoid bone, Mylohyoid m., Digastric m., Submandibular gland, Facial v., Facial a., Mylohyoid a., Mylohyoid n., Lingual v., External jugular v., Auricularis magnus n., Accessory n.
4. Hypoglossal n. and carotid artery
The submandibular gland is retracted revealing the hypoglossal (XII) cranial nerve. The carotid sheath is opened and the common, internal and external carotid arteries are presented including the syperior laryngeal a.
Annotations Sternocleidomastoid m., Omohyoid m., Sternohyoid m., Digastric m., Hypoglossal n., Mylohyoid n., Superior thyroid a., Hyoid bone, Superior thyroid a., Common carotid a., External carotid a., Superficial ansa cervicalis, Internal carotid a., Hypoglossal branch to ansa cervicalis, Facial v, Submandibular gland, Mylohyoid a. and n.
5. Superior Laryngeal N Facial And Lyngual A
The external and interna carotid arteries are clearly visibe. Superior Laryngeal n. Facial and Lingual a. are presented.
Annotations Sternocleidomastoid m., Superior thyroid a., Superior laryngeal n., Ansa cervicalis superficialis, Common carotid a., Internal carotid a., External carotid a., Facial a., Lingual a., Hypoglosssal n., Digastric m., Submandibular gland, Mylohyoid a. and n., Hyoid bone, Mylohyoid m., Facial v., External jugular v.
6. Accessory Nerve And Asa Cervicalis
The sternal head of the sternocleidomastoid m. is mobilized and retracted posteriorly, exposing it;s innervation byt the accessory nerve. The ansa cervicalis is presented, providing innervation to thyrohyoid and sternothyroid mm.
Annotations Hypoglossal n., Posterior belly of digastric m., Anterior belly of digastric muscle, Descending part of ansa cervicalis, Ansa cervicalis, Omohyoid m., Sternothyroid m., Sternohyoid m., Internal jugular v., Plexus cervicalis, Accessory nerve, Facial vein, Submandibular gland, Accessory nerve, Internal carotid a.
7. Vagus Nerve
The carotid sheath has been opened and the vagus nerve exposed
Annotations Plexus cervicalis, Accessory n., Ansa cervicalis, Vagus nerve, Hypoglossal nerve, Digastric m., Mylohyoid m., Hyoid bone, Common carotid a., External carotid a., Internal carotid a., Superior thyroid a., Facial v., External jugular v., Omohyoid m.
8. Sympathetic Chain
The carotid artery is retracted laterally and the sympathetic chain laying on the longus capitis and longus colli is presented.
Annotations Common carotid a., Superior thyroid a., Hypoglossal n., Sympathetic chain, Digastric m., Longus colli m., Accessory n., Sternocleidomastoid m., Internal jugular vein, Facial v., Accessory n., Ansa cervicalis, Omohyoid m., Sternothyroid m., Sternohyoid m., Hyoid bone, Mylohyoid m.
9.Thyroid Gland Sterno-Thyroid m
The sternohyoid m. is elevated the the sterno-thyroid m. with the thyroid glad is presented. The trachea is visible below the thyroid gland
Annotations Deltoid m., Pectoralis major m., Obliquus externus abdominis, Cephalic vein, Thyroid cartilage, Cricoid cartilage, Trachea, Thyroid gland, Sternothyroid m., Cricothyroid m., Thyrohyoid m., Sternohyoid m., Omohyoid m., Ansa cervicalis, Superior laryngeal n., Superior thyroid a., Common carotid a., Internal jugular v.
10. Thyroid Gland - Sternothyroid m. Elevated
On this 3D scan the sternohyoid, sternothyroid and omohyoid myscles are elevated the and their innervation from ansa cervicalis presented. The thyroid glad is presented.
Annotations Superior laryngeal n., Superior thyroid gland, Cricothyroid m., Cricoid cartilage, Cricothyroid m., Thyrohyoid m., Thyroid cartilage, Isthmus of the thyroid gland, Lobe of the thyroid gland, Trachea, Sternothyroid m., Sternohyoid m., Omohyoid m., Ansa cervicalis, Internal jugular v., External jugular v., Superior thyroid a., Superior laryngeal n., Common carotid a., Facial v., External carotid a.
11. Great Cervical Vessels
The sternohyoid, omohyoid and sternothyroid mm. are removed and the great cervical vessels (Internal carotid artery and jugular vein) are presented.
Annotations Internal carotid a., Vagus n., Internal jugular v., Ansa cervicalis, Superior thyroid a., Internal carotid a., Ansa cervicalis, External carotid a., Facial v., External jugular v., Cephalic v., Deltoid m., Pectoralis major m., Obliquus externus abdominis m.
12. Pectoral And Infraclavicular Region
Pectoralis major m., Lateral pectoral n., Axillary v., Axillary a., Subclavius m., Pectoralis minor m., Cephalic v., Deltoid m., Pectoralis major m., Obliquus externus abdominis m., Common carotid a., Vagus n., Internal jugular v., Thyroid gland, Superior thyroid a., External carotid a., Internal carotid a.
13. Brachial Plexus
The clavicle has been desarticulated from the sternoclavicular joint and retracted inferiorly. The subclavian artery is revealed as well as branches of the thyrocervical trunc - transverse cervical artery, suprascapular artery.
Annotations C5 Ventral ramus, C6 Ventral ramus, C7 ventral ramus, Upper trunk C5-C6, Middle trunk C7, Subclavian a., Transverse cervical a., Suprascapular a., Phrenic n., Vagus n., Brachiocephalic v., Internal jugular v., External jugular v., Thyrocervical trunk, Subclavian a., Vertebral a., Ascending pharyngeal a., Inferior thyroid a., Common carotid a., Superior thyroid a., External carotid a., Internal carotid a., Superior laryngeal n., Hypoglossal n., Digastric muscle posterior belly, Digastric m. anterior belly, Submandibular gland, Hyoid bone, Mylohyoid m., Thyroid gland, Accessory n., Sternocleidomastoid m., Pectoralis major m., Pectoralis minor m., Lateral pectoral n., Deltoid m., Cephalic v., External oblique abdominal m.
14. Vertebral Artery V1
The Osteal (V1 ) segment of the vertebral artery is exposed as well as the thyrocervical trunk and its branches (inferior thyroid a, ascending cervical a. and the suprascapular a.). Internal thoracic a. is also presented.
Annotations Vertebral a., Brachiocephalic trunk, Brachiocephalic v., Common carotid a., Vagus n., Internal thoracic a., Subclavian a., Transverse cervical a., C5 ventral root, C6 ventral root, C7 ventral root, Thoracoacromial a., Upper trunk, Middle trunk, External jugular v., Internal jugular v., Accessory n., Facial v., Sternocleidomastoid m., External carotid a., Superior thyroid a., Hypoglossal n., Mylohyoid n., Submandibular gland, Digastric m., Hyoid bone, Thyroid cartilage, Thyrohyoid m., Thyroid gland, Subclavius n., Lateral pectoral n., Pectoralis minor m., Pectoralis major m., Clavicle, Sternum, Obliquus externus abdominis m., Cephalic v., Deltoid m.
15. Prevertebral fascia
The trachea and esophagos are retracted and the prevertebral fascia with longus coli and anterior scalene muscle is presented. the sympathetic chain is visible.
Annotations Common carotid a., Subclavian a., Internal thoracic a., Thyrocervical trunk, Inferior thyroid a., Ascending pharyngeal a., Anterior scalene m., Sympathetic chain, Longus colli m., Vertebral a., Upper trunk C5-C6, Transverse cervical a., Subclavian a., Middle trunk C7, Internal jugular v., Brachiocephalic v., Subclavian v., External jugular v., Superior thyroid a., Thyroid gland