Peripheral nerve anatomy

Brachial plexus

3D Model Of The Upper Extremities vessels
Pectoral And Infraclavicular Region
Brachial Plexus
The clavicle has been desarticulated from the sternoclavicular joint and retracted inferiorly. The subclavian artery is revealed as well as branches of the thyrocervical trunc - transverse cervical artery, suprascapular artery.
Vertebral Artery V1
The Osteal (V1 ) segment of the vertebral artery is exposed as well as the thyrocervical trunk and its branches (inferior thyroid a, ascending cervical a. and the suprascapular a.). Internal thoracic a. is also presented.
Brachial Plexus Fossa Axilaris
Brachial plexus left side model 1
Left side brachial plexus anatomical dissection.
Dissection by Anna Panagiotidou and Marco Sinisi. The models are additionally colored - nerves, arteries, veins for better presentation of the anatomical structures of interest.
Brachial Plexus Fossa Axilaris
Left side brachial plexus anatomy
Dissection by Anna Panagiotidou and Marco Sinisi. The models are additionally colored - nerves, arteries, veins for better presentation of the anatomical structures of interest.