Skull bone anatomy

Skull individual bones

01. Temporal bone
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
Annotations Zygomatic Process, Squama temporalis, Spike of Henle, External auditory canal, Glenoid fossa, Mastoid process, Digastric sulcus, Internal auditory canal, Suprameatal tubercle, Jugular fossa, Carotid canal, Trigeminal impression, Styoloid process, Tegmen tympani, Arcuate eminence, Sulcus of the greater superficial petrosal n., Sulcus of the lesser superficial petrosal n., Carotid canal, Sulcus of the sigmoid sinus, Canal of the endolymphatic duct.
02. Sphenoid bone
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
Annotations Rostrum sphenoidale, Ostium of the sphenoid sinus, Greater sphenoid sinus, Lateral pterygoid plate, Foramen rotundum, Foramen of the Vidian canal, Medial pterygoid plate, Sphenoid sinus septum, Optic canal, Optic canal roof, Optic strut, Anterior clinoid process, Foramen rotundum, Greater sphenoid wing, Planum sphenoidale, Limbus sphenoidale, Sela turcica, Posterior clinoid process
03. Occipital bone
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
Annotations Foramen Magnum, Clivus, Squama occipitalis, Tuberculum jugulare, Hypoglossal canal, Occipital condyle, Foramen of the condylar vein, Sulcus of the cerebellar sinus, Transverse sinus sulcus
04. Frontal bone
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
Annotations Orbital Rim, Fronto-zygomatic Suture, Coronal suture, Orbital roof, Supraorbital nerve sulcus, Glabella
05. Maxillary bone
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
Annotations Frontal Process of the Maxillary Bone, Lacrimal canal, Sulcus of the Maxillary n., Foramen infraorbitale, Palatine process, Maxillary sinus, Apertura piriformis
06. Zygomatic bone
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
07. Parietal bone
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
Annotations Zygomaticofacial Foramen, Zygomaticoorbital foramen, Marginal tubercle, Joint with maxillary bone, Frontal process, Temporal process
08. Sphenoid sinus
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
Annotations Rostrum Sphenoidale, Sphenoid sinus septum, Optic foramen, Optic strut, Roof of the optic canal, Anterior clinoid process, Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone, Planum sphenoidale, Limbus sphenoidale, Tuberculum sellae, Sella turcica, Posterior clinoid process, Superior orbital fissure, Foramen rotundum, Greater wing of the sphenoid bone, Vidian canal, Lateral pterygoid plate, Medial pterygoid plate
09. Skull separate bones
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
10. Temporal bone labyrinth
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
Annotations Superior semicircular canal, Posterior semicircular canal, Lateral semicircular canal, Zygomatic process, External auditory canal, Glenoid fossa, Spike of Henle, Mastoid tip, Digastric sulcus, Suprameatal tubercle, Internal acoustic canal, Sulcus of the sigmoid sinus, Carotid canal, Sulcus of the GSPN, Eminentia arcuata, Trigeminal impression, Squama temporalis