Skull bone anatomy

Whole skull anatomy

01. Skull anatomy
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
Annotations Nasion, Glabela, Bregma, Stephanion, Superior temporal line, Pterion, Frontozygomatic suture, Asterion, Occipitomastoid suture, Lambdoid suture, Parietomastoid suture, Squama temporalis, Zygomatic process of temporal bone, Zygomatic bone, Sphenosquamous suture, Frontosphenoidal suture, Frontal bone, Coronal suture, Sagittal suture, Lambda, Inion, External occipital crest, Superior nuchal line, Inferior nuchal line, Opisthocranium, Parietal tuber, Supraorbital rim, Supraorbital notch, Inferior orbital rim, Infraorbital foramen, Mastoid bone, Frontal process of maxillary bone, Lacrimal bone, Nasal bone, Vomer, Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone, Maxilla (hard plate), Palatine bone, Vomer, Lateral pterygoid plate, Medial pterygoid plate, Styloid process, Mastoid process, Digastric sulcus, Sulcus arteriae occipitalis, Styloid foramen, External auditory canal, Glenoid fossa, Foramen jugulare, Carotid foramen.
02. Skull axial cut
360 degree bone anatomy of the skull base. In this specimen ossification between the medial clinoid process and anterior clinoid process is present, which is important to consider when anterior clinoidectomy is planned.
Annotations Anterior clinoid process, Optic strut, Medial clinoid process, Ossification bridge, Roof of the optic canal, Lesser sphenoid wing, Greater sphenoid wing, Superior orbital fissure, Sphenoid ridge, Foramen ovale, Foramen rotundum, Foramen lacerum, GSPN sulcus, LSPN sulcus, Eminentia arcuata, Trigeminal impression, Limbus sphenoidale, Planum sphenoidale, Tuberculum sellae, Chiasmatic sulcus, Sella turcica, Posterior clinoid process, Dorsum sellae, Clivus, Groove of the superior petrosal sinus, Groove of the inferior petrosal sinus, Internal acoustic canal, Suprameatal tubercle, Sigmoid sinus groove, Jugular tubercle, Hypoglossal canal, Foramen jugulare, Processus jugularis, Occipital condyle, Posterior limb of foramen magnum, Groove of the sigmoid sinus, Cribriform plate, Crista galli, Foramen spinosum, Condylar emissary vein, Groove of the middle meningeal artery, Stylomastoid foramen, Styloid process, Foramen jugulare, Foramen caroticum, Foramen lacerum
03. Skull base bone anatomy
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
Annotations Orbital roof, Planum sphenoidale, Tuberculum sellae, Anterior clinoid process, Ethmoid bone, Optic Strut, Optic canal, Superior orbital fissure, Ethmoid bone, Sphenoid bone, Frontal bone, Zygomatic bone, Maxillary sinus
04. Extracranial-intracranial landmarks
CT based skull reconstruction of the exocranial and intracranial bone landmarks
Annotations Clivus, Sellar floor, Suprasellar notch, Tuberculum sellae, Planum sphenoidale, Optic prominence, Optic canal, Optico-carotid recess, Optic strut, Carotid prominence, Cribriform plate, Crista galli, Roof of the optic canal, Anterior clinoid process, Posterior clinoid process, Dorsum sellae, Superior orbital fissure, Sphenoid ridge, Midsubtemporal ridge, Ethmoidal plate, Superior orbital rim, Lateral orbital rim, Frontozygomatic suture, Pterion, Frontal sinus
05. Frontal coronal cut
Coronal cut through the orbit presenting the ethmoid air cells of the medial orbital wall, as well as inferior orbital wall and maxillary sinus. The superior orbital fissure as well as inferior orbital fissures, optic canal frontal and frontal view of the anterior clinoid process.
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
Annotations Orbital roof, Planum sphenoidale, Tuberculum sellae, Anterior clinoid process, Ethmoid bone, Optic Strut, Optic canal, Superior orbital fissure, Ethmoid bone, Sphenoid bone, Frontal bone, Zygomatic bone, Maxillary sinus

06. Skull - Coronal cut
Coronal cut through the orbit 
Courtesy of Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen University
Annotations Frontal bone, Supraorbital sulcus, Supraorbital foramen, Nasal bone, Maxillary bone, Zygomatic bone, Zygomaticofacial foramen, Zygomaticoorbital foramen, Inferior turbinate, Middle turbinate, Nasal septum, Vomer, Maxillary sinus, Crista galli, Orbital roof, Lacrimal bone, Ethmoid bone,Frontal process of zygomatic bone, Infraorbital groove, Infraorbital foramen, Lacrimal gland, Palatine process, Foramen incisivum

07. Calvaria
The cortical bone of the calvaria is removed. The venous bone channels of the skull are presented.
The specimen is done by Kay M. Körner, Institute for Anatomy I, Medical Faculty & University Hospital Düsseldorf, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany.
Annotations Skull compact bone, Diploe, Emmissary venous channel, Diploe emissary vein, Bregma, Sagittal suture, Lambdoid suture, Lambda, Inion, Asterion, Pterion, Stephanion, Opisthocranium, Nasion, Glabela, Supraorbital notch, Mastoid air cells, External acoustic canal, Styloid process, Stylomastoid foramen, Foramen jugulare, Carotid foramen, Foramen lacerum, Vomer, Palatine bone, Lateral pterygoid plate, Medial pterygoid plate, Maxilla - palatine process, Occipital condyle, Clivus, Hypoglossal canal, Condylar vein
08. Skull sagittal cut
Midline sagittal cut of the skull, presenting the bony nasal septum (vomer and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone. 360 degrees skull scanning presenting lateral skull surface and skull base.
Annotations Vomer, Perpendicular plane, Ethmoid bone, Rostrum sphenoidale, Sphenoid sinus, Middle nasal turbinate, Bony nasal septum, Clivus, Clival recess, Sella turcica, Tuberculum sellae, Chiasmatic sulcus, Limbus sphenoidale, Planum sphenoidale, Roof of the orbit, Optic strut, Anterior clonoid process, Optic canal, Inferior petrosal sinus groove, Tuberculum jugulare, Internal acoustic canal, Suprameatal tubercle, Hypoglossal canal, Occipital condyle, Stylomastoid foramen, Styloid process, Glenoid fossa, Jugular foramen, Carotid canal, Foramen ovale, Foramen lacerum, Lateral pterygoid plate, Maxilla, Pterion

09. Turbinates bone anatomy
Midline sagittal cut of the skull. The bony nasal septum is removed, presenting the bone anatomy of the nasal turbinates. 360 degrees skull scanning presenting lateral skull surface and skull base.
Annotations Inferior turbinate, Middle turbinate, Superior turbinate, Sphenoid ostium, Sphenoid rostrum, Ethmoid air cell, Sphenoid sinus, Sellar floor, Opticocarotid recess, Carotid prominence, Clivus, Sella turcica, Tuberculum sellae, Planum sphenoidale, Orbital roof, Anterior clonoid process, Cribriform plate, Crista galli, Frontal sinus, Nasal bone, Lacrimal bone, Frontal process of maxilla, Clivus, Internal acoustic canal, Suprameatal tubercle, Jugular tubercle, Condylar fossa, Occipital condyle, Sylomastoid foramen, Styloid process, Glenoid fossa, Mastoid process
10. Calvaria
360 degrees scanning of the calvaria. The sulcus of the superior sagittal sinus is visible, Pacchioni granulations, as well as skull venous channels.
Annotations Bregma, Coronal suture, Superior temporal line, Stephanion, Frontal bone, Coronal suture, Parietal bone, Meningeal arteries, Superior sagittal sinus groove, Pacchionian granulations groove, Frontal bone hyperostosis