Skin incision: A curved skin incision is made (right side marked with green) between the medial malleolus and the medial calcaneal tubercle over the flexor retinaculum.

1. Exposure
A curved skin incision is made between the medial malleolus and the medial calcaneal tubercle over the flexor retinaculum. A contrast rubber is placed below the flexor retinaculum as to better present this structure.
A curved skin incision is made between the medial malleolus and the medial calcaneal tubercle over the flexor retinaculum. A contrast rubber is placed below the flexor retinaculum as to better present this structure.
2. Medial and lateral plantar nn
The medial and lataral plantar nerves are elevated and presented. The lfexor digitorum longus m. and tibial artery are visible.
The medial and lataral plantar nerves are elevated and presented. The lfexor digitorum longus m. and tibial artery are visible.