An oblique skin incision is made (marked with green) in the left gluteal region.
Pudendal nerve decompression
An oblique skin incision is made in the left gluteal region. The dissection is continued between the fibers of the gluteus maximus m. to the sacrotuberous ligament. The nerve is usually entrapped in the Alcock’s canal, between the sacrotuberos and sacrospinal ligament. In this dissection the sacrotuberous ligament is transected and the pudendal nerve is identified below it.
An oblique skin incision is made in the left gluteal region. The dissection is continued between the fibers of the gluteus maximus m. to the sacrotuberous ligament. The nerve is usually entrapped in the Alcock’s canal, between the sacrotuberos and sacrospinal ligament. In this dissection the sacrotuberous ligament is transected and the pudendal nerve is identified below it.