A skin incision along the deltoideo-pectoral sulcus, containing the cephalic vein is made.
1. Superficial dissection
Infraclavicular approach to brachial plexus. A skin incision along the deltoideo-pectoral sulcus, containing the cephalic vein is made. The cephalic vein is mobilized and reflected medially.
Infraclavicular approach to brachial plexus. A skin incision along the deltoideo-pectoral sulcus, containing the cephalic vein is made. The cephalic vein is mobilized and reflected medially.
2. Coracobrachialis and pectoralis minor mm
The dissection is progressed deeper exposing the coracobrachialis m. and pectoralis minor m. There is a fascia extension of the coracobrachialis fascia to the pectoralis major muscle that needs to be divided to create the space needed for the approach.
The dissection is progressed deeper exposing the coracobrachialis m. and pectoralis minor m. There is a fascia extension of the coracobrachialis fascia to the pectoralis major muscle that needs to be divided to create the space needed for the approach.
3. Infraclavicular Approach Fascia
The pectoralis minor muscle is divided, and the deep fat pad is mobilised and retracted medially exposing the lateral cord and brachial artery covered by a fascial layer.
The pectoralis minor muscle is divided, and the deep fat pad is mobilised and retracted medially exposing the lateral cord and brachial artery covered by a fascial layer.
4. Final exposure (cords)
The dissection progresses further, exposing the lateral, medial cords and the associated nerves - median nerve, axillary nerve, ulnar nerve as well as the brachial a.
The dissection progresses further, exposing the lateral, medial cords and the associated nerves - median nerve, axillary nerve, ulnar nerve as well as the brachial a.